
NFK Resilient City has always been a mental advocate website. The team started as volunteers to different mental health institutions where we offered our help, however possible. We would always think of creative ways to reach more people and other ways to alleviate the heavy feeling of people who suffer from mental health issues.

Launching a website was the way to go. We can reach more people, especially those who do not have the chance to see a therapist. However, we wanted to make this website a unique experience by adding something more. That’s when we had the idea of incorporating the gift recommendation part of it.

We think that giving gifts is not just all the gifts. You know what they say, it is the thought that counts. We grew from helping people who are depressed, to helping more people to spread positivity and happiness.

If you are seeking ways to understand, motivate, and spread positivity through well-written articles and gift recommendations, then feel free to browse through our website. Do not miss any update, so do not forget to subscribe to our mailing list!